How did South Korea become such a giant in the movie industry? Utblick writer Laura Sakhong interviews Erik Mobrand, associate professor in Korean Studies at Seoul National University to find out.
Commodifying feminism: the rise and fall of the girlboss
Staff writer Kathina Mehring discusses the neo-liberal connotations in the recent rise of girlboss-feminism.
Propaganda as a “language” of communication
What is propaganda and how can it be understood? In this longer read, Enlight analyst Heghine Aleksanyan disseminates the term and the literature about it.
Criticism as a vocation
The creation of meaning in relation to art is not simply created by the artist or the curator. In this article, Enlight analyst Marine Khachatryan outlines the important role of the art critic.
Work From Anywhere
A remote, digitalised workforce became a norm in several countries during the covid pandemic. However, what are the challenges to continue this trend even after the pandemic subsides?
The complex truth behind your flowers: Problems with the global cut flower industry
Vilma Ellemark writes about what is behind the fragrant bouquets at florists and supermarkets, and what consumers can do for those working in the global supply chain of cut flowers.
The Role and Status of the Translator: Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Formula
Enlight writer Heghine Aleksanyan dissects the translator’s role in media, highlighting the differences between translating news articles and the more traditional fields of scholarship and arts.
Ara Güler: The Eyes of Istanbul Were Closed
Famous faces are not the only thing that makes Ara Güler’s photographs remarkable. The excellence of “The Eye of Istanbul” lay in his way of capturing people with almost childish enthusiasm.
The Power of Art in Times of Crises
The loss of art that we are currently experiencing sheds light on its true value.