Originally published in our print magazine PEACE, this article discusses the concept of internet security and cyber peace.
World Wide War: On the implications of cyber peace

The magazine from the Society of International Affairs in Gothenburg
Originally published in our print magazine PEACE, this article discusses the concept of internet security and cyber peace.
Environmental protests involving acts of civil disobedience, such as throwing tomato soup on a famous painting, have recently happened in many places of the world. Staff Writer Paula Ullaland examines the effectiveness and impact of these actions.
Johannes Malmgren explores the origin and development of the anti-regime movement in Iran.
A few years ago, there was a large court proceeding …
Utblick Staff Writer Tanyalak Thongyoojaroen spoke to an Iranian woman and international experts weighing in on the situation in Iran.
Fratelli d’Italia, a right-wing party, recently won the elections in Italy. Moltas Karlsson wrote down his opinion for the reasons of their rise to power and possible consequences for the EU.
Denmark and Britain have recently included Rwanda as an intermediary country for asylum seekers, but is it beneficial for refugees? Staff writer Tilde Bergström examines this issue.
During the past decade, Feminist Foreign Policy has been adopted by many countries promoting gender equality in global affairs, but are those nations using the concept as norm diffusion or merely political branding? Staff writer Axèle Maillard Arricot analyzes this issue.
Is Russia facing problems resulting from human capital flight? Utblick Staff Writer Magdalena Kamont examines possible consequences of the recent Russian partial mobilization.