How did South Korea become such a giant in the movie industry? Utblick writer Laura Sakhong interviews Erik Mobrand, associate professor in Korean Studies at Seoul National University to find out.
General Education and COVID-19
Education was one of the many challenges during the pandemic. But why did it pose so many difficulties? And were there silver linings? In this article, Enlight writer Anahit Hovakimyan highlights the ins- and outs of general education.
Commodifying feminism: the rise and fall of the girlboss
Staff writer Kathina Mehring discusses the neo-liberal connotations in the recent rise of girlboss-feminism.
Propaganda as a “language” of communication
What is propaganda and how can it be understood? In this longer read, Enlight analyst Heghine Aleksanyan disseminates the term and the literature about it.
Germany after Merkel: Spirit of optimism or hangover?
With Angela Merkel stepping down, the German election became a question of who could take her place. Laurin Zils explains the players in the recent election and what the future may hold for the most populous country in the EU.
E-government in times of pandemic
In this piece, Enlight writer Gevorg Gasparian analyzes how technical solutions for e-government was used during the pandemic, both as a tool for minimizing contact and as vessel for communication.
“My soul is in unrest” – four Afghan women tell of their experience of the Taliban takeover
When the Taliban took over Afghanistan in late summer 2021, the situation for women within the country changed drastically. Here, four women tell their stories.
Enlight analyst Marianna Manvelyan highlights the challenges and opportunities for airports to become more eco-friendly.
Refugees (Un)Welcome: The Weaponizing of Migrants by Belarus
Magdalena Kamont explores the tangled web of migration on a less written about border- the Belarusian one, and how the migrants there are caught in a bigger political scheme.