In a poignant essay, staff writer Dominique Keizer discusses what the consumer can change in order to preserve nature’s resources, and what to look for if you want your consumption to be more sustainable and fair.
General Education and COVID-19
Education was one of the many challenges during the pandemic. But why did it pose so many difficulties? And were there silver linings? In this article, Enlight writer Anahit Hovakimyan highlights the ins- and outs of general education.
Propaganda as a “language” of communication
What is propaganda and how can it be understood? In this longer read, Enlight analyst Heghine Aleksanyan disseminates the term and the literature about it.
E-government in times of pandemic
In this piece, Enlight writer Gevorg Gasparian analyzes how technical solutions for e-government was used during the pandemic, both as a tool for minimizing contact and as vessel for communication.
Enlight analyst Marianna Manvelyan highlights the challenges and opportunities for airports to become more eco-friendly.
The hidden implications of the WHO global alcohol strategy
Guest writer Robin Moraes Holst brings a thought provoking analysis of the WHO global strategy for reducing the harmful use of alcohol.
Rising autocratization and faltering democracy during COVID-19
In this piece, Isabel Wilson outlines several ways the covid-19 pandemic has been used to weaken already fragile democracies.
Work From Anywhere
A remote, digitalised workforce became a norm in several countries during the covid pandemic. However, what are the challenges to continue this trend even after the pandemic subsides?
Staying out of the hands of corruption
Money laundering, embezzlement, fraud and extortion are all obstacles that humanitarian organizations need to overcome to continue their operations. Turkan Omari writes on the challenges this pose and the measures taken to combat this issue.